DISCOmmoveo: Somatic Clown

From a description for a workshot at “Small Minor Arts” Platform

Since this is a crash workshop, meaning it is short by definition, we will focus on only one element of clowning. Through a series of proposals and games, we will explore the different uses of the gaze in clowning and apply the experience into our own performing genres, be it dance, theatre, burlesque, cabaret, ball or drag and all that jazz, we will play with all these and simply have endless fun.

DISCOmmoveo is a game that creates text out of context. One such game that will inhabit the workshop is the somatic clown.

The workshop is open to all with an appetite for performance in whatever shape or form, all who want to expand their vocabulary with a clowning tool or enrich their performing skills by working closely with other performance hero(in)es. Wear something comfortable.

The MC of the game and the leader of the workshop is Simeon Huzun, a member of a group of clowns who created the performance Za crknt. He is also a Red Noses hospital clown, a member of the DISCOlektiv, where he is a dancer, choreographer, clown as well as a teacher, writer and producer. His explorations take on different forms, be it a performance, installation, event, gathering, game, act, publication, website, museum, residency, video, music…