Art of Voices meeting, 20th till 22nd February 2023, London

Norbert Sven Fo, a member of DISCOllective, together with Maja Dekleva Lapajne and their performative practice Life. Refabricasted., is meeting other colleagues from Balkan area that deal with people that hear voices as part of Erasmus+ project Art of Voices.

Life. Reheard. is a performance created with members of support groups of Hearing Voices Slovenia. It is proposed and based on a performance practice Life. Refabricated. by Maja Dekleva Lapajne and Norbert Sven Fö where Maja and Norbert take currentl theme from everyday life and work on it and with it live in front of an audience. In Life. Reheard. we take experiences, thoughts, emotions of participants and turn them into a stage event, thus creating space where we feel and reflect collectively on invidivual experiences by artistic means.

Art of Voices
Slišanje glasov – Slovenija
Predelano življenje / Life. Refabricated.

Photo: Bojan Dekleva