DISCOmmoveo makes a text out of context.
It is a performance playground, a dance floor, a choreographic game, a frame, an environment, a performance. You are invited to join us in a dance, a choreography, an encounter, in whatever role you want in a play you may have heard of: the Three Sisters. Yes, by Chekhov.
To begin with, we suggest that you play the role of spectator, observer, and that in this role you allow yourself to be invited by the play into other roles, say, actor, playwright, dancer, technician, choreographer, or something else.
We have the initial theme of the play (The Three Sisters), but where the path takes us is up to us, as we create the path as we go along. Together. We will play with the Three Sisters using touch, dress and shape. Of course, you can play in this way too, or if you wish by other means.
Let us know.
The first round of the play was performed in Maribor, Slovenia at Vetrinjski dvor, 21st January 2022.

DISCOreography and performance by DISCOllective and co-actors Tina Janežič, Adriana Josipović, Dózsa Gergely and others
Set design by Nelson Valmor
Costume design by Klemen Papež
Dramaturgy by Timon Jelen
Lighting design by Hanna Plirn
Sound: Tehvan Ratsanik
Clown consultants: Linga Ling and Klausi
Movement consultant: Curio Kitheca
Acting Consultant: Addie Joss
DISCOproduction: International Dance Terrorist Organization
DISKOntribution: Municipality of Ljubljana, Ministry of Culture, Council
“DISCOmmoveo: Three Sisters” is a guest of the research residency programme RoomForGuestsMaribor, produced by the Pekarna of the Magdalene Network and co-produced by the Narodni dom Maribor.