Muzej događaja | izvedbena instalacija na Antisezoni X-tenziji: Performance Situation Room | 24.5.-26.5.2024 | Plesni centar Tala, Zagreb

Muzej događaja će biti dio programa Antisezona X-tenzija kroz format Performance Situation Room.

Performance Situation Room: Expose okuplja autore iz različitih polja umjetnosti koji prakticiraju (samo)arhiviranje, (samo)muzealiziranje, (samo)dokumentiranje i/ili (samo)mapiranje kroz različite poetike, formate i medije. Trodnevni program otvaramo izložbom specifičnih umjetničkih metodologija koje razvijaju i de/re/kontekstualiziraju muzejske principe rada i organiziranja pod nazivom I listened to your logorrhea and it wasnt enough. U sklopu izložbe izlažu i izvodeDISKOlektiv, Luana Lojić i Muzej kristalne lubanje, a plesne umjetnice Abby Crain i Sonja Pregrad vodit će lab Literature of Moving, koji je rezultat njihovog kontinuiranog istraživanja plesa kao kulture/sakupljanja kao odgovora/osluškivanja zemlje. Program zatvaramo razgovorom uključenih umjetnika i kustosicom Teom Kantoci.

Muzeologinja Tea Kantoci kurirat će izložbu specifičnih umjetničkih metodologija koje razvijaju i de/re/kontekstualiziraju muzejske principe rada i organiziranja. Plesni umjetnik DISKOlektiv, novomedijska umjetnica Luana Lojić i interdisciplinarni umjetnik Niko Mihaljević pozvani su da aktiviraju svoje materijale kroz različite izvedbene formate. Plesne umjetnice Abby Crain i Sonja Pregrad predstavit će radionicu/izvedbu Literature of Moving, koja je rezultat njihovog kontinuiranog istraživanja plesa kao kulture/sakupljanja kao odgovora/osluškivanja zemlje.

Sve će se događati u Plesnom centru Tala.

Please enter the Performance Situation Room.
We’ll be there, all exposed,
all the ways information, objects, feelings, scores, movements, obssesions
can be
forever, forever,
or temporary.

We want to remember some things,
do we want to remember everything?

Want to absorb every passing moment,
but how does one embody change?

how to how to how to

So join us for:


7 pm
I listened to your logorrhea and it wasnt enough
opening of the exhibition
with DISCOllective

1 pm – 4 pm
Abby Crain and Sonja Pregrad
Literature of Moving LAB

4 pm
Event Museum showing

5 pm
Museum of the Crystal Skull
guided tour by the museum representative Niko Mihaljević

1 pm – 5 pm
Luana Lojić
performance lecture/exposure/trial/space playlist

5:15 pm
The talk
Abby Crain, DISCOllective, Luana Lojić, Museum of the Crystal Skull, Sonja Pregrad, Tea Kantoci


I listened to your logorrhea and it wasnt enough

* Event Museum

Event Museum is a place where moments create documentation of themselves and thus become events. And not only that. Because we are still talking about a museum, from that self-documentation emerges the way how and what is documented from that moment on, i.e. archived and exhibited even further. There is no Event Museum without you. So come.

Luana Lojić
*An ordinary mortal’s lexicon
recognising the candy you spat to personal glossaries.

pools arranged and selected
by spilled vocals
and light endemas
will say they are
forgetfully connected
to the largest organ
on Earth – The Blue Whales heart
2.confusional arousal
3.opposites attract
4.i listened to your logorrhea and it wasnt enough
5.a wittering weave
6.balko italo anglo ectoplasm
8.title memorabilia

Museum of the Crystal Skull
*Guided Tour by the Museum Representative Niko Mihaljević

“In 1927, while searching for the lost civilization of Atlantis, archeologists discovered a tremendously exceptional – and maybe the oldest – object ever made by human hand. It is a perfect copy of a human skull, wonderfully sculpted and polished from a single block of quartz crystal. It is, of course, a product of a sophisticated civilization – it has been estimated to be 12 000 years old! The skull’s eyes glimmer as if they are alive. Observers report strange sounds, scents and light effects coming out from it. It is said that it had caused chaos, physical harm and even death. Is it possible that this mysterious object is our link to humanity’s dark, magic past? Is it a messenger from another age – or another world?”


Literature of Moving

Abby Crain and Sonja Pregrad

Key words: ineffability, resonate, reverberate, join, care, listen, act.

Proposed score for workshop:

1. softening tissues/opening inner landscape of spaces 2. allow reverberation/vibration in these spaces/resound/ as a technology for sensing 3. find or notice a tone and join it with voice: duet/chorus/call and response 4. lip reading the land/lip reading others 5. at this point participants can begin to ask for hands on: top of head ( 2 hands) base of skull, mid back at lower ribs, heart sandwich (front and back of sternum), tops of ankles … as needed – requested. 6. skin listening/ sensuous surfaces


The program is financed by the Life Long Burning EU project, Movement Research through GPS/Global Practice Sharing program financed by Trust for Mutual Understanding, City of Zagreb and the Ministry of Culture and Media of the Republic of Croatia in the frame of Antisezona/Improspekcije 2024 and in partnership with PC Tala.

Curator: Tea Kantoci