Walking backwards towards reversed theatre | workshop | 18.4. & 19.4.2024 | Berlin

Mathilde Vrignaud and DISCOllective will offer a workshop at Along the Walk Conference

Walking backwards slows one down. And the world as well. Walking backwards is always available to us. And it reverses the whole world by being always available to us.

We invite you to backwalk together* and find out how this reverses perception, relations, time, and the rest of it. And what else walking backwards offers to us. The workshop is the place for performing and reflecting on the backwalk, critically discussing deceleration, (in)visibility of an artistic action, treating backwalk as a dance and the backwalk itself.

*Walking backwards is an option. You can walk forward a few steps and then backwards. We will provide a responsive environment for all of us to make the workshop a place that adapts to our collective experiences.

Any experience, any background, any profession, with an interest for exploring the walking.

Walking shoes, comfortable clothes, rain coat, cape, snack, notebook, pencil, a backpack to carry water bottle.

English & French

Apply here

The website of Along the Walk