DISCOntact in residency at Capaccio, Italy, May 2021

In the small town of Capaccio Capoluogo 30min drive from Salerno is living performer, choreographer and producer Elena Dragonetti and she invited DISCOllective to have residency for a month in Capaccio.

DISCOllective will be exploring a sound versions of DISCOntact, edit old recordings, make some new.

Beside that DISCOllective will also collaborate with Elena Dragonetti and Ràreca at organizing a week long lab of permanent art called Erratica, and also perform at the lab.

And of course there will be some regular stuff coming up like DISCOre, DISCOrespondance, DISCOdrug, DISCOtongue Dance

Let’s touch.