DISCOrrespondance #9 in Berlin, 24th Feb 2021

For exact place of an event please contact discollective@upri.se, +38640226981.

DISCOrespondance is a dance performance by DISCOllective and Marjeta Kamnikar. DISCOllective sings, Marjeta dances. That simple, yes. Dancing and singing we are corresponding, well, engage in a correspondence with eternity. Yes, that simple. Welcome to join us in this eternal and immediate possibility of experiencing of the eternity.

You can join in anyway you want, anywhere and anytime. We are talking eternity here. Exact spatio-temporal coorinates of your physicality do not influence and limit your possibility to join DISCOrrespondence. In other worlds you do not need to share common space and time coordinates with DISCOllective and Marjeta, and no need to be with us full 81 minutes as much as each DISCOrrespondance session lasts.

Thus this is simple notification for you to know in which spatio-temporal coordinates the DISCOrrespondance will happen. It is eventually happening.Integral part of participating at DISCOrrespondance is also to create a documentation of your participation in any medium. We humbly invite you to send us that documentation by any means available to you.

DISChOreography and voice: DISCOllective
Dance: Marjeta Kamnikar
Production: International Dance Terrorist Organization
DISCOproduction: World
Photo: Mihaela Ciuha

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